Hello! The other day I watched a film and I would like to tell you its summary, so let's go...
The main actor is Will Smith and in the film he plays the part of Hancock. Hancock is a tramp who lives in the streets and all the time he is drinking alcohol. Eventhough he helps people and saves lives. Los Angeles's people are angry with him until Hancock saves a man from the train and this man helps him to be accepted by the city's people. While the man was plotting something, they became friends.
One day Ray Embrey, the man, invites Hanconk to go to his house and meet his family. When the man's wife looks at Hancock, she gets surprised but nothing happens. Later, the man tells the tramp that he should let the police catch him. Hancock doesn't agree with him but in the end he takes notice about of what he said. The tramp finishes in prision and there, he is insulted by the other prisoners and he puts the head of one of his cell mattes into the bottom of another. At the end of the month, the police calls him to ask if he could help them and Hancock agrees. The tramp saves the city from blowing up because a terrorist puts dinamite on the bodies of his victims. Hancock saves everyone by cutting one of the terrorist's hand, where the terrorist had the remote control. As the film goes on we discover that the hero and the man's wife had met each other thousands of years ago because they're immortal and they never get old. Also we know that they had been married and the wife left him because he had an accident and forgot everything. At the end of the film, Hancock gets shot by one of the two men to whom he (Hancock) introduced his head into the other's ass. Little by little, both, the hero and his old wife, die because no matter what happens to him it also happens to her. Finally, the hero, with the little strength that he had left, flies far away. If they are separated, both can be alive but if they are together, both lose their powers and get mortal.
This film was good and it was entertained.
Words learnt: damage, subpoenas, skull.